lesson 62
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Translation and/or Description
Traduction Française
et/ou Description
沒有香料请 = no spice please = pas
d'épices svp 绿茶 = Green tea = thé
您的最佳的地方盤 = your best local dish = votre meilleur plat local
炸花生 | zha hua sheng | deep-fried peanuts |
Cacahuètes frites
五彩拉皮 | wu cai la pi | cold dish with glass noodles and veggies |
Plat froid nouilles transparentes
et légumes
拌花菜 | ban hua cai |
cold dish; carrots, cucumbers, peanuts, etc in vinegar and hot sauce |
Plat froid: carottes, concombre, cacahuètes
etc sauce vinaigre et épices
杏仁瓜条 | xing ren gua tiao | Chinese almonds & cucumber strips |
Amandes chinoises et concombre
锅包肉 | guo bao rou | sweet and sour pork |
Porc sauce aigre douce
糖醋里脊 | tang cu li ji | sweet and sour lean pork pieces |
Porc sauce aigre douce - morceaux
鱼香肉丝 | yu xiang rou si | fish smelling pork ; no relationship to fish, a little spicy with some veggies |
« porc au parfum de poisson »
- aucun lien avec du poisson. Légèrement épicé. Légumes.
宫包肉丁 | si gong bao rou ding |
spicy pork usu. w/ peanuts & carrots |
Porc épicé , normalement avec cacahuètes
et carottes
京酱肉丝 | jing jiang rou si | saucy meat on a bed of Chinese onions |
Viande en sauce sur lit d'oignons
排骨 | pai gu | ribs (come in a variety of styles) |
Cotes de porc , styles différents
水煮肉片 | shui zhu rou pian | Sichuan specialty; pork in a spicy soup base with some greens |
Spécialité du Sichuan. Porc dans un
potage épicé avec légumes
宫包鸡丁 | gong bao ji ding | spicy chicken w/ peanuts & carrots |
Poulet épicé avec cacahuètes et carottes
鱼香鸡条 | yu xiang ji tiao | fish smelling chicken; see above |
Poulet au parfum de poisson »
- voir ci-dessus
软炸鸡条 | ruan zha ji tiao | breaded, deep-fried chicken strips |
Morceaux de poulet frits & panées
辣子鸡丁 | la zi ji ding | very spicy chicken dish |
Plat de poulet , très épicé
铁板鸡片 | tie ban ji pian | chicken and onions on a sizzling skillet |
Poulet et oignons sur plat en fonte
très chaud (skillet)
咖哩鸡 | ga li ji | curry chicken (usually mild curry) |
Poulet au curry (doux en général)
腰果鸡丁 | yao guo ji ding | chicken and cashews |
Poulet et noix de cajou
铁板牛肉 | tie ban niu rou | beef and onions on a sizzling skillet |
Boeuf et oignons sur plat en fonte
干煸牛肉丝 | gan bian niu rou si | fried, crispy beef strips; spicy |
Bandelettes de boeuf frits et épicés
咖哩牛肉 | ga li niu rou | curry beef |
Boeuf au curry
孜然牛肉 | zi ran niu rou | deep fried beef with cumin |
Boeuf au cumin
黑胡椒牛肉 | jihie hu jiao niu rou | black pepper beef |
Boeuf au poivre noir
红烧牛肉 | hong shao niu rou | beef braised in brown sauce |
Boeuf braisé dans une sauce brune
地三鲜 | di san xian | potatoes, green peppers and eggplant |
p. de t., poivrons et aubergines
青椒土豆片 | qing jiao tu dou pian | green peppers and potatoes stir-fried |
Poivrons et p. det.
烧芸豆 | shao yun dou | fried green beans |
Haricots verts frits
木须柿子 | mu xu shi zi | egg and tomato wedges stir-fried |
Morceaux de p. de t. et tomates frits
木须瓜片 | mu xu gua pian | egg and cucumber slices stir-fried |
Concombre et oeufs frits
烧荷兰豆 | shao he lan dou | stir-fried snow peas (usu. with garlic) |
Genre de pois , frits avec ail
炸茄盒 | zha qie he | breaded eggplant boxes w/ meat filling |
Pavés d'aubergines remplis de viande
鱼香茄条 | yuxiang qie tiao | fish smelling eggplant strips; see above |
Aubergines au parfum de poisson (voir
茄排 | qie pai | breaded, deep-fried eggplant strips |
Aubergine frit et pané
烧茄子 | shao qie zi | stir-fried eggplant |
蚝油生菜 | hao you sheng cai | lettuce stir-fried in oyster sauce |
Salade frite dans une sauce aux huitres
烧白菜 | shao bai cai | fried Chinese cabbage |
Choux de chine frit
六合菜 | liu he cai | six veggies; bean sprouts, mushrooms, cellophane noodles, etc. |
Six légumes, germes de soja, champignons,
nouilles cellophane etc.
肉磨菠菜 | rou mo bo cai | ground pork with spinach | Porc haché aux épinards |
蒜苗炒肉 | suan miao chao rou | garlic shoots and pork stir-fried |
Ail et porc frits
麻婆豆腐 | ma po dou fu | tofu chunks in spicy sauce (little meat) |
Tofu sauce épicée
家常豆腐 | jia chang dou fu | tofu chunks in savory sauce |
Tofu en sauce savoureuse engourdissante
麻辣豆腐 | ma la dou fu | tofu chunks in spicy and numbing sauce |
Tofu sauce épicée et
青椒豆腐干 | qing jiao dou fu gan | dry tofu strips stir-fried w/ green peppers |
Tofu frit avec poivrons
米饭 | mi fan | white rice |
Riz blanc
蛋炒饭 | dan chao fan | egg-fried rice (usu. w/ a little veggies) |
Riz frit avec Sufs et légumes
水饺 | shui jiao | boiled Chinese ravioli |
Raviolis Chinois cuits à l'eau
锅贴 | guo tie | pot stickers; fried Chinese ravioli |
Raviolis Chinois frits
馒头 | man tou | Chinese steamed bread |
Pain Chinois à la vapeur
炸将 | zha jiang mian | noodles with a savory, spicy sauce |
Nouilles avec une agréable sauce épicée
担担面 | dan dan mian | noodles with a very spicy hot sauce |
Nouilles sauce très épicée
牛肉面 | niu rou mian | noodles with beef pieces and broth |
Bouillon aux nouilles avec qq morceaux de boeuf
蛋炒面 | dan chao mian | egg-fried noodles |
Nouilles aux oeufs
肉炒面 | rou chao mian | pork-fried noodles |
Nouilles au boeuf
混沌 | hun dun | wontons |
西红柿鸡蛋 | xihongshijidantang | tomato and egg soup |
Potage tomates et oeufs
菠菜粉丝汤 | bo cai fen si tang | spinach and vermicelli soup |
Potage épinards et vermicelles
青菜豆腐汤 | qing cai dou fu tang | tofu and vegetable soup |
Potage tofu et légumes
Chinese name | Pinyin | English description |
虎皮肉 | hu3 pi2 rou4 | Pork prepared with soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, ginger and anis. First boiled, then steamed. Served in a thick broth obtained during cooking. |
过油肉 | guo4 you2 rou4 | Pork tenderloin, usually first soaked in a soy sauce and then stir-fried with bamboo shoots, cucumber, chicken broth, cooking wine, ginger and onions. All thickened with starch. |
松子扒肉 | song1 zi5 pa2 rou4 | Pork braised with pine nuts, ginger, soy sauce, onions and cooking wine. |
酱爆肉条 | jiang4 bao4 rou4 tiao2 | Thin cuts of pork meat stir-fried with bamboo shoots and fermented soy sauce. |
芫爆里脊 | yuan2 bao4 li3 ji3 | Pork tenderloin cuts stir-fried with coriander leaves, cooking wine, onion, garlic and ginger. |
番茄腰柳 | fan1 qie2 yao1 liu3 | Pork tenderloin cuts fried with bamboo shoots, cucumber, jam and tomato paste. |
炒肉末 | chao3 rou4 mo4 | Minced pork meat stir-fried with sugar, soy sauce. Usually served with steamed bread. |
手抓羊肉 | shou3 zhua1 yang2 rou4 | Quick-boiled mutton meat chunks with bone. Eaten with sauce made of onions, garlic, pepper, vinegar and sesame oil. |
油爆肚仁 | you2 bao4 du4 ren2 | Lamb tripe stir-fried with pepper, ginger and cooking wine. |
涮羊肉 | shuan4 yang2 rou4 | Instant boiled mutton. This is a must to have dish. This is also called Mongolian Hot Pot. Thin slices of mutton meat are loaded into hot cooking broth and cooked very quickly. |
烤肉 | kao3 rou4 | Another very typical Beijing must-try. Roasted mutton. |
烤羊肉串 | kao3 yang2 rou4 chuan4 | Lamb Kebab. This is one of the typical street snacks in Beijing. |
醋椒鱼 | cu4 jiao1 yu2 | Braised mandarin fish, flavoured with vinegar, ginger, garlic and pepper. |
干煎鱼 | gan4 jian1 yu2 | Mandarin fish fried with garlic, sweet wine and sugar. |
干烧鲫鱼 | gan4 shao1 ji4 yu2 | Crucian carp braised with minced pork, ginger, garlic and spicy bean sauce. |
鸡汤鱼卷 | ji1 tang1 yu2 juan3 | Fish balls (made of mixture of carp fish meat, minced jam and bamboo) cooked in a chicken soup. |
抓炒鱼片 | zhua1 chao3 yu2 pian4 | Mandarin fish slices fried with soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and cooking wine. |
红煨鳝段 | hong2 wei1 shan4 duan4 | Stewed eel with ginger, garlic, onions and cooking wine. |
芙蓉蟹黄 | fu2 rong2 xie4 huang2 | Stir-fried crab ovaries with lotus seeds, coriander, vinegar, ginger and sugar. |
茉莉香虾仁 | mo4 li4 xiang1 xia1 ren2 | Shrimps stir-fried with sugar, ginger and onion. At the end of cooking jasmin flowers are added. |
北京烤鸭 | Bei3 jing1 kao3 ya1 | If you are not familiar with Beijing cuisine this is number one to try - Beijing roasted duck. Cooked duck is sliced and served with small tortillas. |
鸭骨汤 | ya1 gu3 tang1 | Duck Bone Soup |
香酥鸭 | xiang1 su1 ya1 | Duck soaked in a mixture of onions, ginger, anis and cooking wine. Then fried and served with a spicy sauce. |
清蒸鸭 | qing1 zheng1 ya1 | Steamed duck |
火燎鸭心 | huo3 liao2 ya1 xin1 | Fried duck hearts, prepared with cooking wine, soy sauce and coriander. |
金鱼鸭掌 | jin1 yu2 ya1 zhang3 | Duck webbed feet prepared with ginger and onions. |
酒香鸡 | jiu3 xiang1 ji1 | Pieces of chicken cooked in a yellow wine |
酱爆鸡丁 | jiang4 bao4 ji1 ding1 | Stir-fried chicken cubes with ginger, soy sauce and cooking wine. |
烩生鸡丝 | hui4 sheng1 ji1 si1 | Chicken strips stewed with ginger and bamboo shoots. |
蛋羹 | dan4 geng1 | Steamed omelette |
它似蜜 | ta1 si4 mi4 | Loin of lamb fried with sweet flour paste (similar to Beijing duck sauce) |
炒豆腐 | chao3 dou4 fu5 | Tofu stir-fried with cooking wine, ginger and soy sauce. |
炒豆腐脑 | chao3 dou4 fu5 nao3 | Stir-fried tofu served in a thickened chicken broth. |
锅塌豆腐 | guo1 ta1 dou4 fu5 | Deep fried battered tofu |
烧茄子 | shao1 qie2 zi5 | Stir-fried eggplant |
炒柿子椒 | chao3 shi4 zi5 jiao1 | Stir-fried green bell pepper |
红烧冬瓜 | hong2 shao1 dong1 gua1 | Pumpkin braised in a say sauce |
焖扁豆 | men4 bian3 dou4 | Fried haricot beans |
炒土豆丝 | chao3 tu3 dou4 si1 | Stir-fried potato shreds |