
Saturday, November 7, 2015

extra 23 得过且过

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♢ upper-intermediate level

五台山上有一种鸟,叫寒号鸟,它生有肉翅但不能飞翔。 每当夏季来临时,寒号鸟就浑身长满色彩斑斓的羽毛,它便得意地唱:“凤凰不如我!凤凰不如我!”。它每天都唱着,却不知道搭窝。 等到深冬来临的时候,它虽然很冷,但还是不搭窝,漂亮的羽毛也全部脱落了。当寒风袭来的时候,这光秃秃的肉鸟无可柰何地哀鸣:“得过且过!得过且过!”       读后:目光短浅的人,面对一点点成绩就沾沾自喜。对将来的一切都没有计划,他们只看现在,能偷懒就偷懒,能过去就不努力。他们一旦遇到挫折就会垂头丧气,消极悲伤。       为了将来的美好,对成功和失败进行正确地分析,作个计划,现在就努力工作,成功一定是属于勤奋者。

凤凰:(fènghuáng)n. phoenix
窝:(wō)n. nest


The original meaning of “得过且过” refers to make no long term plans. Now it is used metaphorically when someone doesn’t work hard in work and study, just want to muddle along and have not big ambitions.


Now some college students do not study hard. They just muddle along and are not active in participating social practice. They make no plans for graduation and employment.

After marriage, he stopped muddling along and began to work hard to support his family.


五颜六色:(wǔ yán liù sè)a. colorful
羡慕:(xiànmù)v. to envy
收集:(shōují)v. to collect
巢穴:(cháoxué)n. nest
炫耀:(xuànyào)v. to show off
石缝:(shífèng)a stone chink
哆嗦:(duōsuo)v. to shiver

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