
Thursday, November 19, 2015

extra 137 牛顿与苹果的故事

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Newton and the apple

传说1665年秋季,牛顿坐在自家院中的苹果树下苦思着行星绕日运动的原因。这时,一只苹果恰巧落下来,它落在牛顿的脚边。这是一个发现的瞬间,这次苹果 下落与以往无数次苹果下落不同,因为它引起了牛顿的注意。牛顿从苹果落地这一理所当然的现象中找到了苹果下落的原因——引力的作用,这种来自地球的无形的 力拉着苹果下落,正像地球拉着月球,使月球围绕地球运动一样。

chuán shuō yī liù liù wǔ nián qiū jì , niú dùn zuò zài zì jiā yuàn zhōng de pín guǒ shù xià kǔ sī zhe xíng xīng rào rì yùn dòng de yuán yīn . zhè shí , yī zhī pín guǒ qià qiǎo luò xià lái , tā luò zài niú dùn de jiǎo biān . zhè shì yī gè fā xiàn de shùn jiān , zhè cì pín guǒ xià luò yǔ yǐ wǎng wú shǔ cì pín guǒ xià  luò bù tóng , yīn wèi tā yǐn qǐ le niú dùn de zhù yì . niú dùn cóng pín guǒ lùo dì zhè yī lǐ suǒ dāng rán de xiàn xiàng zhōng zhǎo dào le pín guǒ xià lùo de yuán yīn —— yǐn lì de zuò yòng , zhè zhǒng lái zì dì qiú de wú xíng de lì lā zhe pín guǒ xià lùo , zhèng xiàng dì qiú lā zhe yuè qiú , shǐ yuè qiú wéi rào dì qiú yùn dòng yī yàng .

As legend has it, in the autumn of 1665, Newton was sitting under the apple tree in his yard thinking hard about the reason why the planets rotate around the sun. At that moment, an apple coincidentally fell by his foot. It was a moment of discovery. This time when the apple fell, it was different from any other time because it had caught Newton's notice. From a phenomenon that everyone had taken for granted, Newton found the reason why the apple fell – it was gravitation! This invisible force from the earth pulled the apple just like it pulled the moon, making the latter rotate around the earth.

Useful expressions

你是想吃苹果还是想吃梨? nǐ shì xiǎng chī pín guǒ hái shì xiǎng chī lí ?
Which one would you like to have? Apple or pear ?

我最喜欢的季节是秋季。 wǒ zuì xǐ huān de jì jié shì qiū jì .
My favorite season is autumn.

地球是我们共同的家。 de qiú shì wǒ men gòng tóng de jiā .
The earth is our common home.

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