
Monday, December 28, 2015

extra 475 喜羊羊与灰太狼 3

> 喜羊羊与灰太狼  2
> 喜羊羊与灰太狼  1  (+ song lyrics) 
> 喜洋洋

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Size medicine pills
2. 哎哟
3. 哎哟, 救命啊 救命啊
Ouch! Help! Save me!
4. 到底怎样才能穿过这堵铁门呢?
In the end, what will it take to get through this iron gate?
5. 我一定要跳过这堵铁门
I'll jump over this iron gate for sure!
6. 又没捉到羊吧?
I guess once again you haven't caught any sheep?
7. 老婆
8. 又打我,如果我哪天把你变小了
You've hit me again, if someday I shrunk you...
9. 看你怎么打我
I'd like to see how you could beat me.
I've thought of an idea.
11. 就这两药丸就能捉到羊了吗?
With just these two pills is it really possible to capture the sheep?
12. 老婆, 你别小看它们呀
Wife, you mustn’t underestimate them.
13. 这可是本世纪最重大的发明
This is certainly the most significant invention of the century!
14. 这白丸叫变小丸
This white pill is called the 'Shrinking pill'.
15. 可以瞬间把身体缩小十倍
In a flash it can make your body shrink to one tenth of its size.
16. 这样我们就可以随意
This way, whenever we wish to, we'll be able
17. 穿过羊村的铁门了, 老婆
to pass though sheep village's iron gate, Wife.
18. 你变得那么小怎么去捉羊啊
How will you go about catching sheep shrunk down so small, huh?
19. 要点就在这
The essential part is right here.
20. 这黑丸叫变大丸
This black pill is called the 'Enlarging pill'
I may use it to regain my original size.
22. 算了吧
Forget about it.
23. 你的发明十有八九都是失败的
The vast majority of your schemes have been failures.
24. 老婆, 不信。。不信你试试
Wife..You don't believe, give it a try if you don't believe it.
25. 我才不上你的当呢
I won't be fooled by you
26. 要是我真变小了 你一定乘机报复
If I really do shrink, you'll seize the chance to retaliate for certain.
27. 我吃变大的
I'll eat the enlargement one.
28. 成功了 太棒了
Its a success, Fantastic!
29. 太大了
I'm too big.
30. 停。。快停不来
Stop... I can't stop.
31. 小肥羊, 我来了
Fat little lambs, I've come.
32. 美羊羊 你这边有没有什么特别的情况呢
Beautiful Lamb, What about this side, is there anything unusual about the situation?
33。 一切正常
Everything's normal。
34. 我想灰太狼来了.
I think if Great Grey Wolf came.
35. 应该也不会欺负我一个女孩子的吧
it ought to be unlikely he'd bully me, a girl, right?
36. 别放松警惕
Don't drop your guard.
37. 村长说了狼就是狼 他们只懂吃羊
The Village Chief said wolves are wolves, they only understand eating lambs.
38. 是不分男女的
irrespective of whether you're male or female.
39. 那你就放心去。。哦 去玩咯
In that case then you're at ease to go...
Oh?..go have fun!?
, oh go play.
40. 我是说让你去别的地方巡视
I meant for you to go and inspect another area.
41. 没叫你去玩呀
I hadn't asked you to go play!
42. 这个喜羊羊老是这样
This Happy Lamb, he's always like this.
43. 羊妹妹 我来了
Little sister lamb, I've come.
44. 这该死的门槛 气死我了
This damned doorsill, makes me very angry.
45. 变小丸果然凑效
The shrinking pill's effect happened as expected.
46. 这些笨羊一点也没发现
These stupid sheep haven't discovered a thing.
47. 我已经进来了
I've already come in.
48. 呸 烂铁门想挡我
Bah! Think a worn-out iron gate can keep me out.
49. 对了 我要回恢复原形啊
Oh that's right, I must return to my original shape.
50. 还在外面呀
It's still outside.
51. 这是什么呀?
Huh, what is this?
52. 嘿, 你们来看呀
Hey, all you come see.
53. 有颗石子自己会动
There's a rock that can move by itself.
54. 看看。。。我看看
Take a look... I'm having a look.
55. 有什么好看的
Have something good to look at...
56. 等我变大后你们就知道我的厉害
Wait until after I become big then you will know my ferocity.
57. 瞧, 这样就不动了
Look, It won't be able to move like this.
58. 走开 笨羊 走开 别挡路
Get out of the way! Stupid lambs, get out of the way, don't block the way.
59. 快走开 滚。。滚开
Quick, get out of the way! Get lost, go away!
60. 是什么东西呀? 好像不是蚂蚁
What is this thing? It does not seem like an ant...
61. 看一下, 走开
I'll take a look Get out of the way...
62. 是狼 快跑呀
It's a wolf, agh, quick run!!!
63. 跑不了啦 你们等着做我的往晚餐吧
You can't run away! You're all waiting to serve as my dinner.
64. 大家不用跑。 大家不用怕
Everybody there's no need to run. Everybody no need to be afraid.
65. 怎么了
What's going on?
66. 他是灰太狼 他是来吃我们的
He's the Great Grey Wolf, he has come to eat us.
67. 可是他现在这么小怎么吃呀
But right now he's so small how will he eat us, huh?
68. 你们干什么?
What are you doing?
69. 捉住了 我们捉住灰太狼了
Caught him, we've caught the Great Grey Wolf.
70. 放下我
Put me down
71. 喜羊羊, 等我变大了
Happy lamb, wait until I become big.
72. 我第一个就吃了你
You'll be the first one I eat.
73. 加油 加油
Go for it! Go for it!
74. 救命啊
Save me!
75.你快停手 你们这班笨蛋
Quick you! Stop holding me. All you in this class are idiots.
76. 真没用, 捉不到羊反而被羊捉去玩
Truly useless, you catch no sheep but instead are yourself captured by them for amusement.
77. 老。。老婆 是他们趁虚而入
Wife...wife, it was them 'attacking while the forces were week'
78. 不过你放心
But you rest assured....
79. 我已经想好了 怎么样把变大丸带进去了
I've already thought up how to go in carrying the enlargement pill.
80. 老婆, 你看
Wife, you look.
You don't have anything.
82. 这是迷你变大丸
This is a mini-enlargement pill.
83. 我变小以后携带一样的方便
Its just as convenient to carry after I shrink.
84. 是居家旅行 捉羊的好帮手
It's something you shouldn't go without. Great for helping to capture sheep!
85. 慢慢变大也行 立该变大也行
Also, it is capable of enlarging slowly and the enlargement process starts immediately too. 86.明天我把肥羊肉带回来孝敬您
Tomorrow I will return carrying fat lamb meat as a respectful offering to you.
87. 那今天呢
then (in the case), what about today? (what will I eat)
88. 先吃蛤蟆肉啦
Until then consume frog meat..
89. 你让我吃赖蛤蟆。
You would have me subsist on frog meat?
90. 喜羊羊, 今天我要血债血还
Happy Lamb, today I will have you pay your debt in blood.
91. 这次你甭想再捉住我了
This time you needn't think you'll catch me again.
92. 怎么啦 怎么会这样 怎么啦
What? How can this be? Why?
93. 变大呀 快。。快变大呀
Transform big! Quick..enlarge, quickly!
94. 我明白了
I get it!
95. 变大丸变成迷你丸 药力不够了
Turning the enlargement pill into a mini-pill means the strength of the medicine is not enough.
96. 幸亏我还多待了一颗
Luckily in addition I brought an extra pill.
87. 喜羊羊你为什么吹走我的药丸呢
Happy Lamb why did you blow away my medicine pill, huh?
88. 因为我要捉你呀 快放开我
Because I would like to grab you! Release me now!
89. 我不会放过你的
I will not let you get away from me.
90. 等我真的变大了第一个就吃了你
Wait until I've become really big, as soon as I do you'll be the first one I eat.
91. 听过了
I've heard that before!
92. 加油 喜羊羊 加油
You go! Happy lamb, you go!
93. 加油 喜羊羊
You go! Happy Lamb
94. 别踢了
Don't kick/play.
95. 加油
Go for it!
96. 终干可以歇一会了
Finish with this so I can rest a while.
97. 什么 你们抓住了变小的灰太狼
What? You captured the Great Grey Wolf shrunken.
98. 那么他现在在哪里呀
In that case where is he now?
99. 变小的灰太狼被我们当足球一样
We used the shrunken Great Grey Wolf as if he were a soccer ball.
100. 踢回狼堡了
and he was kicked back to the Wolf Castle.
101. 什么? 放走了?
What? He was set free?
102. 这太危险了
This is far too dangerous.
103. 他能变小他能变大
He's able to shrink and enlarge himself.
104. 今天谁站岗呀
Who will stand guard today?
105. 懒羊羊
Lazy lamb
106. 懒羊羊, 小心呀
Lazy Lamb, be careful!
107. 懒羊羊这次你死定了
Lazy Lamb, this time you're dead.
108. 灰太狼 你怎么了
Great Grey Wolf, what's happened to you?
109. 懒羊羊
Lazy Lamb.
110. 这只懒羊羊是羊村里最肥的一只了
This Lazy Lamb is the sheep village's single fattest lamb.
111. 亲爱的,怎么样? 你喜欢吃他吗?
Darling, how about it? Would you like to eat him?
112. 喜欢 只要有羊吃就喜欢
I'd like that, so as long as I have sheep to eat I'm happy.
113. 世界上最棒的狼就是你了
You are preciously the most wonderful wolf in the the world!
114. 明天我就带一些羊肉去给姐妹们
Tomorrow I will go to my sisters' and bring along some mutton for them.
115. 告诉她们这就是我老公
I'll tell them that this is the fat sheep that my husband
116. 在青青草原上捉的大肥羊
captured on the green grassland.
117. 懒羊羊你还有什么要说的吗?
Lazy Lamb, do you still have anything you want to say?
118. 等一等
Wait a moment
119. 怎么? 现在后悔可不行了
Why? Regretting now won't do you any good.
120. 我不后悔
I'm not repenting
121. 只是为你们着想啊
I'm only considering your needs.
122. 看你们的样子 
Look at your appearance.
123. 应该是很久都没吃肉了吧?
You both must have not eaten meat for a long time, am I right?
124. 你们不是有变大丸吗?
You don't have an enlargement pill, do you?
125. 你们可以把我变大呀
You can enlarge me.
126. 那我的体积 就会 大好多倍
Then my bulk will increase many times over.
127. 也就变得更肥了
Right away I'd become even fatter.
128. 这样你们就可以多吃几顿了
This way you would be able to eat several more meals.
129. 就算接下来几天捉不到羊也不怕
Also, don't have to fear even if for several days you aren’t able to catch any sheep.
130. 他的说很有道理 老公
What he says makes a lot of sense. Husband,
131. 我要吃更大更肥的羊
I want to eat an even bigger and fatter lamb.
132. 对呀,小胖子你还挺聪明的嘛
Right, little fatty you're a pretty clever one.
133. 张嘴
Open up your mouth.
134. 太好了 有大肥羊吃
Very good, we have a big fat lamb to eat.
135. 恐怕高兴得太早了
Perhaps it's a little too soon to be happy.
136. 他要跑了
He's going to escape.
137. 懒羊羊 你竟敢骗我灰太狼
Lazy Lamb, You have the cheek to deceive me the Great Grey Wolf!
138。 懒羊羊你给我记住 我会再回来的
Lazy Lamb you remember me. I'll return again.
139. 我要回家睡觉了
I will return home and sleep.
140. 你们哭什么?
What are you all crying for?
141. 懒羊羊他被灰太狼和红太狼吃了
Lazy Lamb, he was eaten by the Great Grey and Great Red wolves.
142. 是吗? 我怎么不知道啊
Really? Ah, how was I unaware?
It's Lazy Lamb.
144. 算了 我要再造一间房子了
Forget about it. I must have another house built.
145. 药来了
Medicine has arrived.
146. 草
147. 村长说这是变小草
The Village Chief said this is shrinking grass.
148. 太好了 懒羊羊先吃了再说吧
Excellent. Lazy Lamb how about you eat this first then we'll talk.
149. 等等
Hold on!
150. 喜羊羊走得这么快 我还没说完呢
Happy Lamb you move so fast, I haven't finished speaking yet.
I just finished developing this shrinking grass a moment ago.
The drug is still unstable.
153. 要跟这个变大草一起吃才行。
Must eat it together with this enlargement grass to be effective.
154. 否则就会。。。救命
Otherwise it will.... Help me!!
155. 完

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